Time again for a new round of EMBARK Webinars. This fall we will have four fantastic main speakers, together with a group of excellent junior speakers. Sign up for the webinars today!

Sep 14, 14:00 UTC+2
Jon HobmanAntimicrobial resistance in a UK dairy farm
Kenyum BagraInvasion dynamics of AMR bacteria into microbiomes under stress
[Register here]

Oct 5, 14:00 UTC+2
Stineke van HouteTowards the development of CRISPR-Cas based tools to remove AMR from microbial communities
Ruben Vazquez-UribeCRISPR-Cas antimicrobials: Resistance mechanisms
[Register here]

Nov 9, 14:00 UTC+2
Iruka OkekeGenomic surveillance of human-invasive Salmonella in Nigeria
Miranda WallaceUnderstanding and predicting resistance in Bacteroides fragilis group bacteria using clinical and modern genomics tools
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Dec 14, 14:00 UTC+2
Joakim LarssonTBA
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