Symposium on Environmental Monitoring of Infectious Diseases

In SEARCHER-related news, the Swedish DDLS program is organising a symposium on Symposium on Environmental Monitoring of Infectious Diseases. SEARCHER coordinator Johan Bengtsson-Palme is in the scientific committee for the meeting, which will focus on promoting and enhancing data-driven environmental assessment for infectious diseases (including antibiotic-resistant bacteria) across various settings using diverse approaches. The invitation is now out for submission of abstracts for short talks.

Deadline for abstract submission: 18 September 
Deadline to register to attend: 25 September
 –> REGISTER HERE! <– This includes abstract submission.

Link to more information and the PROGRAM

EMBARK coordinator receives Global Health award

EMBARK coordinator Johan Bengtsson-Palme has been selected as the 2022 recipient of the Einhorn SIGHT awardThe award, which is granted by the Swedish Institute for Global Health Transformation and the Einhorn Family Foundation, recognizes outstanding global health research work by young researchers in the context of low- and middle-income countries. Johan was selected motivated by “outstanding research and development of tools to limit the global challenge of infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance”. Largely, these results have come out of the work performed in the EMBARK program.

Open postdoc position Bengtsson-Palme lab

The Bengtsson-Palme lab is hiring a postdoc to work with environmental monitoring of antimicrobial resistance, directly connected to the EMBARK program. The postdoc will work with different aspects of establishing a baseline for background antibiotic resistance in the environment, standardization of monitoring protocols and development of methods to detect emerging resistance threats. The project will involve work with environmental sampling, DNA extractions, bacterial culturing and generation of large-scale DNA sequence data. In terms of bioinformatic analyses, the project will encompass analysis of next-generation sequence data, genome-resolved metagenomics, short-read assembly and network analysis.

The lab looks for a skilled bioinformatician, preferably with experience of experimental laboratory work. If you feel that you are the right person for this position, you can apply hereMore information is also available here. The deadline for applications is January 3.


Today is the European Antibiotic Awareness Day and we celebrate by officially launching the EMBARK program.

The primary goal of EMBARK is to establish a baseline for how common resistance is in the environment and what resistance types that can be expected where. That background data will then underpin efforts to standardize different methods for resistance surveillance and identify high-priority targets that should be used for efficient monitoring. In addition, EMBARK will develop and evaluate methods to detect new resistance factors and thereby provide an early-warning system for emerging resistance threats.

EMBARK is an international collaboration funded by JPIAMR. The consortium consists of coordinator Johan Bengtsson-Palme (University of Gothenburg, Sweden), Thomas Berendonk (TU-Dresden, Germany), Luis Pedro Coelho (Fudan University, China), Sofia Forslund (ECRC Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin, Germany), Etienne Ruppé (INSERM, France) and Rabaab Zahra (Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan).

Through this website, we will release protocols and data as they are generated from the project. Follow our progress towards better monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in the environment here and on Twitter @EMBARK_JPIAMR!