Updated day for the December webinar

We unfortunately had to again reschedule the webinar with Joakim Larsson, this time to December 15 (same time).

The two remaining webinars this year will be:

Nov 9, 14:00 UTC+2
Iruka Okeke – Genomic surveillance of human-invasive Salmonella in Nigeria
Miranda Wallace – Understanding and predicting resistance in Bacteroides fragilis group bacteria using clinical and modern genomics tools
[Register here]

Dec 15, 14:00 UTC+2
Joakim Larsson – TBA
[Register here]

Updated webinar times

We have two more EMBARK Webinars to go before the end of the year. For the second one with Joakim Larsson we have updated the date to December 14. Make a note in your calendars!

Nov 9, 14:00 UTC+2
Iruka Okeke – Genomic surveillance of human-invasive Salmonella in Nigeria
Miranda Wallace – Understanding and predicting resistance in Bacteroides fragilis group bacteria using clinical and modern genomics tools
[Register here]

Dec 14, 14:00 UTC+2
Joakim Larsson – TBA
[Register here]

EMBARK Fall Webinars 2022

Time again for a new round of EMBARK Webinars. This fall we will have four fantastic main speakers, together with a group of excellent junior speakers. Sign up for the webinars today!

Sep 14, 14:00 UTC+2
Jon HobmanAntimicrobial resistance in a UK dairy farm
Kenyum BagraInvasion dynamics of AMR bacteria into microbiomes under stress
[Register here]

Oct 5, 14:00 UTC+2
Stineke van HouteTowards the development of CRISPR-Cas based tools to remove AMR from microbial communities
Ruben Vazquez-UribeCRISPR-Cas antimicrobials: Resistance mechanisms
[Register here]

Nov 9, 14:00 UTC+2
Iruka OkekeGenomic surveillance of human-invasive Salmonella in Nigeria
Miranda WallaceUnderstanding and predicting resistance in Bacteroides fragilis group bacteria using clinical and modern genomics tools
[Register here]

Dec 14, 14:00 UTC+2
Joakim LarssonTBA
[Register here]

EMBARK Spring Webinars

We have a very exciting lineup of speakers for the 2022 EMBARK Webinars! Let’s begin with the speakers for the spring. Registration opens today!

March 16Windi Muziasari – “Global database of ARGs in the environment”
Anna Abramova – “Meta-analysis reveals the global picture of antibiotic resistance gene prevalence across environments”

April 13: Ramanan Laxminarayan – “State of the World’s Antibiotics 2022”
Cheng Zhao – “Optimizing antimicrobial resistance surveillance in farm animals”

May 18: Nichole Broderick – “Tiny Earth”
Filipa Grosso – “Implementing citizen-based projects on Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness in Southern Europe: the experience from MicroMundo”

June 15: Marisa Haenni – “From AMR surveillance to research in the French veterinary sector”
Reshma Silvester – “AMR in aquaculture- Averting the crisis and the way forward”

And for the fall, we have preliminary confirmation for the following speakers:
Jon Hobman
Stineke van Houte
Iruka Okeke
Joakim Larsson

Last Fall Webinar

Make sure not to miss the last EMBARK Webinar of the fall! This time we have two very exciting speakers:

  • December 15: Willem van Schaik – “Metagenomic approaches to understand the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in microbial ecosystems”
    Svetlana Ugarcina Perovic – “Exploring the global resistome using the global microbial gene catalog”

Register today!