Here we have collected links to some media coverage about EMBARK.
- Voices of the new generation: science in a state of benign confusion
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 16 June 2020 - AMR Studio Podcast: Johan Bengtsson Palme & AMR in the environment
Uppsala Antibiotic Center, AMR Studio Podcast, 1 June 2020 - CARe-led consortium gets 1.4 million euros for environmental monitoring of resistance
Centre for Antibiotic Resistance Research at University of Gothenburg, 18 November 2019 - Johan Bengtsson-Palme koordinerar internationellt forskningsprogram om resistenta bakterier i miljön
Akademiliv, 18 November 2019 (in Swedish) - EMBARK – AMR Research Funded by JPIAMR
JPIAMR Youtube channel, 18 November 2019 - Projects awarded funding within the 9th JPIAMR Joint Call
JPIAMR funding accouncement, 18 November 2019