EMBARK Results Webinar on Youtube

Missed our special EMBARK results webinar? 🤔

No problem! You can find the recorded version on our YouTube channel 📹

Please leave your impressions and do not hesitate to contact us with your questions.

Thanks to all participants for the nice discussion and we hope to see you all at the next special session regarding the EMBARK Outcomes on Dec. 4th.

Registration is already open at: https://mdc-berlin.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Mqf-2sqjkuGdNMYpswvas2oaWSKi3TeDH_#/registration

Register for the EMBARK Final Results Webinar

On Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, at 10:30 AM CEST (GMT +1) SEARCHER is organising a special webinar session highlighting the key outcomes from the JPIAMR consortium EMBARK. You can now register here:


The agenda will explore the motivations for monitoring AMR in the environment, the implementation of culture- and molecular-based approaches, and the biases and correlations between these methodologies. Topics that will be covered include:

  • Reasons for monitoring AMR in the environment, how to implement it, and what is needed to succeed.
  • E. coli as an indicator for the surveillance of AMR in the environment
  • Database and method biases affecting ARG analysis
  • ResFinderFG – a database and online platform for antibiotic resistance determinants identified through functional metagenomics
  • Suggested antibiotic resistance genes to be targeted for monitoring
  • Correspondence between methods for AMR monitoring

There will also be plenty of time to ask questions to the team, and to give input on our work. Don’t miss the opportunity to join our panel of experts and engage in discussions on AMR surveillance!

Symposium on Environmental Monitoring of Infectious Diseases

In SEARCHER-related news, the Swedish DDLS program is organising a symposium on Symposium on Environmental Monitoring of Infectious Diseases. SEARCHER coordinator Johan Bengtsson-Palme is in the scientific committee for the meeting, which will focus on promoting and enhancing data-driven environmental assessment for infectious diseases (including antibiotic-resistant bacteria) across various settings using diverse approaches. The invitation is now out for submission of abstracts for short talks.

Deadline for abstract submission: 18 September 
Deadline to register to attend: 25 September
 –> REGISTER HERE! <– This includes abstract submission.

Link to more information and the PROGRAM