You can now register for all the EMBARK webinars for the fall! We have Gautam Dantas and Johan Bengtsson-Palme coming up today[Register], followed by:
October 13: Monika Dolejska – “Antibiotic resistance is going wild” Victor Hugo Jarquin Diaz – “AMR spread in rodents” [Register]
November 10:Michael Baym – “Exploring non-anthropic selective pressures on antibiotic resistance” Uli Klümper – TBA [Register]
November 24:Nikolina Udikovic Kolic – “Pharmaceutical waste and antimicrobial resistance” Ulrike Löber – “Drugs as antidotes – How drugs affect the damage on gut commensals under antibiotics course” [Register]
December 15:Willem van Schaik – “Metagenomic approaches to understand the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in microbial ecosystems” Svetlana Ugarcina Perovic – “Exploring the global resistome using the global microbial gene catalog” [Register]
The EMBARK webinar series continues in the fall, starting September 1. We already have three confirmed invited speakers who will present their research and be contrasted to EMBARK members presenting the work performed in the project. This will be followed by a discussion and Q&A. All the webinars, except for one, will take place at 14:00 CEST (12:00 UTC).
These are the three already scheduled webinars:
September 1: Amy Pruden – “Towards coordinated local and global surveillance of antibiotic resistance at wastewater treatment plants” Thomas Berendonk – “AMR in WWTPs – the European perspective” [Register]
September 22: Gautam Dantas – “Predicting and Combating Biotic and Abiotic Perturbations to Diverse Microbiomes” Johan Bengtsson-Palme – “Antibiotic perturbations to interactions in microbial communities” [Register]
October 13: Monika Dolejska – “Antibiotic resistance is going wild” Victor Hugo Jarquin Diaz – “AMR spread in rodents” [Register]
November 10:Michael Baym – “Exploring non-anthropic selective pressures on antibiotic resistance” Uli Klümper – TBA [Register]
November 24:Nikolina Udikovic Kolic – “Pharmaceutical waste and antimicrobial resistance” Ulrike Löber – “Drugs as antidotes – How drugs affect the damage on gut commensals under antibiotics course“ [Register]
December 15:Willem van Schaik – “Metagenomic approaches to understand the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in microbial ecosystems” Svetlana Ugarcina Perovic – “Exploring the global resistome using the global microbial gene catalog” [Register]
Today, the last EMBARK webinar for the spring will take place, at 13:00 CEST (11:00 UTC). Today’s invited speaker is Kimberly Kline who will give a talk entitled “Pathogenesis and persistence during Enterococcus faecalis biofilm-associated infection”.
She will be followed by our EMBARK speaker Sofia Forslund, who will give a talk on “High-throughput measurement of host and microbiota”
The first two spring webinars have now been posted on the new EMBARK YouTube channel! Tune in to watch Gerry Wrighttalk about approaches to measure and monitor AMR in various environments, and Heike Schmittpreset the international efforts for one-health surveillance of AMR within WHO Tricycle.
The remaining two EMBARK Webinars from the spring will also be posted online later this summer.
A Peek into the Plasmidome of Global Sewage – Philipp Kirstahler – mSystems *The authors describe a laboratory and bioinformatics workflow for the recovery of plasmids and other potential extrachromosomal DNA elements from complex microbiomes.